
Project partners: Cooperative Innovations, University of Sheffield

Leeds-based Cooperative Innovations is an immersive technologies studio specialising in industry-leading virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) development.

Cooperative Innovations used XR Stories funding to explore the storytelling potential of VR for children, in collaboration with the University of Sheffield.

Their project, Storyland, provided children with the chance to create a narrative from assets and stories they chose themselves. Accessibility and inclusivity were key priorities of the project and content was developed that was reflective of the Primary Curriculum for English and informed by relevant education research. Dr Becky Parry, from the School of Education at the University of Sheffield, ensured the project was informed by relevant research and education policy, curriculum and practice.

The team produced and tested a playable VR demo. Two key findings from the project were that children really enjoyed being in control of the story and making their own choices and feeling embodied within the story.

Emma Cooper, immersive business development lead at Cooperative Innovations, says:

“The findings from this project are both timely and important, as virtual reality continues to increase in popularity across all age groups and within family groups, and its suitability for younger audiences is re-examined. In many ways virtual reality and kids is the perfect combination: VR can be such a playful and creative space and children just get it in a way that some adults struggle with. We are in no doubt that the project has helped Cooperative Innovations understand younger audiences better and make new products and experiences that the whole family will love.”

The Storyland project is explored in more depth in The XR Stories Podcast.


Categories: Performance