Take part in UAL’s national audience survey

XR Stories is partnering with researchers from the University of the Arts London (UAL) to launch a national study to find out how we are engaging with online cultural experiences during lockdown. Cultural experiences include theatre, opera, dance, museums and galleries, gaming, performances, festivals, immersive experiences and other audience events that we might normally enjoy away from home.

The survey is part of the Digital, Regeneration and Experience Economy modelling (DREEm:) research project. It is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) under its Covid-19 rapid response initiative. Survey responses will play a vital role in supporting the UK’s creative, cultural, experience and visitor economies as we come out of lockdown and work towards recovery.

The survey is open to all adults and takes around ten minutes to complete. It asks about the kinds of audience activities you have engaged with during lockdown, how you perceive these experiences and how they might impact your audience behaviour in the future. Your answers will be useful whether you regularly attend online experiences, or rarely take part in them.

Please complete the survey.

Image Credit: Game Changers © Framestore

Published on 13 April 2021

Filed under: Research