Immersive Digital Accelerator
End date: 24 October 2022
It’s time to reset the industry balance. XR Stories is partnering with BRiGHTBLACK to run a new development programme exclusively for women, marginalised genders and those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.
Immersive Digital Accelerator is a part-time (approximately one and a half days per week) eight-week course in which participants will explore how to make engaging and compelling extended-reality (XR) experiences.
The scheme is welcoming applications from a range of creative disciplines and backgrounds. This includes recent graduates, developers, animators, sound engineers, producers and writers.
The course will include training in the following areas:
- Introduction to XR technologies
- 3D modelling
- Narrative design and spatial storytelling in XR
- World design and creation
- Prototype production planning and workflows
- Prototype building
- Interaction design and C# Visual Scripting
- Sound creation and design
- Technical troubleshooting
The programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and will only be open to eligible individuals registered as sole traders or SMEs in the Leeds City Region. Please refer to the guidance document for more details.
Due to limited capacity we can only accommodate one participant per company.
Applications now closed
Applications close: Monday, 24 October 2022
Selection: Tuesday, 25 October to Friday, 28 October 2022
Places awarded: Monday, 31 October 2022
Introductory call with trainers: Tuesday, 1 November 2022
Course begins: Tuesday, 8 November 2022 (workshops will take place in York on 8, 9 and 10 November, with a fourth date to be confirmed in December).
Programme ends: Monday, 12 December 2022
For more information, please email [email protected]